No reason for the Laverne and Shirley reference, other than Schlamezel, Schlamizel and Gewurtztraminer are all fun words to say. Gewurtztraminer! Gewurtztraminer! Say it a bunch of times out loud, and I dare you not to do it with a fake German accent.
Well darlings, I wish I could say I had as much fun drinking it as I did saying it. My virgin Gewurtztraminer voyage was in a sugary boat, sailing on a lake of flowery, lychee-flavoured syrup. On the up-side, my cough is gone (hyuk! hyuk! hyuk!). Now my gorgeous dear old friend Mathieu has encouraged me not to give up on Gerwurtz. I trust Mathieu, because he is smart and cultured and loves wine, so I may brave it again with a Swiss fondue as per his suggestion. A rudimentary internet search also has this wine paired up with fatty foods (ie. smoked salmon, which I love) and spicy dishes (curry, Thai, Mexican), all of which appeals to me and can induce me to try Gewurtz again. (Side note: I'm not mentioning the name of the wine, because as Thumper says "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.")

On a happier note, we tried the remaining Fielding Rose last night, and I found it was remarkably improved with our choice of meal. On the menu: Rose risotto with thyme, sauteed brussel sprouts with nutmeg and bbq'd chicken with a balsamic vinegar and fig glaze. What a heavenly meal! The wine was *perfect* with our dinner. Like Daniel Craig's bare chest glistening in the sun perfect. For reals. So go repeat the experience for yourselves this weekend.
Good news btw! Local strawberries from Berry Hill Farms are ready in 3 days! Three days! That high-pitched SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you hear in your ear is me, squealing for joy at the thought of making strawberry basil jam and consuming gobs of it on a baguette with warm brie (also remarkably good with Granny Smith apple or crushed raspberries. Thanks Karen, for introducing me to this incredible treat!).
In a preemptive effort to scare away fat cells, I'm off for some vigorous exercise. Ta ta!
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