So you know-somethings will prolly have already heard of wine scent kits, but for the rest of us know-nothings, let me give you the run down. It's a wee box, full of wee vials of 'aromas' found in wine (ie.vanilla, rose, lavender etc..), along with a bunch of flash cards and guide book. There are several companies who make wine scent kits, but they're all basically the same (the one pictured above, Le Nez du Vin, seems to be the most popular. Why is it when people try to make things sound fancy, they say it in French? Why not Italian? Hungarian? Greek? Does 'Il Naso del Vino' not sound fancy enough? And doesn't it all translate to "The nose of wine"? Do French people find this hilarious? Inquiring minds want to know!). And what will this box 'o smells cost you? Try $400.00. Yup.
Call me a cheap wine know-nothing, but methinks this is a grown up version of smelly-stickers: a scented little something to collect, but ultimately a waste of money. I'd rather spend that money on actual wine.
For Pete's sake, if I want to know what cilantro, or vanilla, or apples smell like, I'll go look in my cupboard! If I can't remember what a rose or lavender smells like, maybe my nose is so dead that I'd never become serious about wine in the first place. There's a world of smells out there--for cheap or free!
In fact, learning about all of this has inspired me to do some nose training. Happily, I have a husband who imports and wholesales spices. Marvellous. I'll start there. I'll create a little test for myself and let you know how it goes.
Smell ya later,