Sunday, December 5, 2010

Who's in?

Road trip, Prince Edward County, winery tour. Correction--Fifth Town Cheese factory is in PEC, so we'd have to make it a wine AND cheese tour. Perhaps an overnighter? We could finally go visit Long Dog and taste their Pinot Noir! Dates flexible. Who's in?

Visit here to learn more about Prince Edward County and its excellent wineries.

Ps. You've got 10 days to cobble together your contest entry! Tell me your most memorable wine experience for a chance to win a Knuckle-Duster Corkscrew! Post your story in the comments section here.

P.p.s. Happy Birthday James!


  1. Duh.


    If we find a chocolate factory somewhere along the way, I may never come back.

  2. Oooh, that sounds like fun! Ditto on the chocolate factory.
