Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wine Show Wind Up--Part 4

I have not yet had a bad bottle from Ontario's Malivoire winery.  Doubters of Ontario wines take note, Malivoire consistently delivers good wine at a very good value.  And that's kind of what it's all about, isn't it?  I mean, we'd all drink the Mouton-Rothschilds and Chateau d'Yquems if we won the 6/49, but most of us can't afford expensive or even mid-range priced wines on a regular basis.  We want the best wine we can afford; if all we can part with is $10, it should be the best damn $10 bottle we can find.  I've had $30 and $40 bottles that don't hold up to Malivoire's $15 offerings.  So it should be no surprise at all that I was very enthusiastic about the samples enjoyed at the wine show.
Malivoire sampled their Guilty Men red and white, Ladybug rosé and Gamay; I partook in the red and Gamay.  I've had Guilty Men red before, so I just had a little sip and let Lorri and Karen slurrup those samples up (which they liked very much); then it was the straight up Gamay for me.  Wowee!!  I was expecting something much fruiter and lighter but this had a wonderful intense spiciness to it, coupled with deep, ripe red berry flavours.  DELICIOUS!  Malivoire, you've done it again *pat pat pat*  I think you would all do very well to put a bottle or two in your wine racks this spring.  This wine would be superb at a bbq!!  I just popped over to their website, and the '08 Gamay is $17.95/bottle, but you have to purchase at the winery or order a case online.  It'd worth it going splitsies with one or two people on a case of this one!

Here's the winery website: 

Next on Wine Show Wind Up--Raw Milk Cheeses by Dutch-Canadian Dairy farmers.  Are you salivating?  : )



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