Pardon my brain, as it is old. Well, not old-old, just older than it used to be. I used to have a mind as sharp as a tack. Now it's as sharp as a butter knife. Chalk it up to childbearing and 10 years of not sleeping through the night. My poor brain cells were bound to jump ship under such conditions. Oh well, as long as I lose my mind and stay happy, I'll be content whilst the smarts slowly leak out of my brain. If I could just figure out a way to stop losing stuff--like the sheet I filled out from my Viognier tasting--I'd be so much better off. My current strategy for not losing stuff is putting important things on the top of the pile. You can see how well this is working for me.
ANYWAY, here's what I remember from the experience: the wine was Alamos Viognier 2008. Was totally looking forward to it, as Karen MacNeil describes it thusly: " Viognier's appeal is its exotic, honeysuckle, musky fruit, it's round body, and--most of all--its mesmerizingly lanolinish texture." My experience didn't quite match up to that description. In this wine, I tasted apricot/peach and gravel. It was more acidic than I expected. I guessed the alcohol content correctly (ok--I was a half point off, but I'll take it!). Because there were no tasting notes on the bottle, I had to go online to find out what others were saying about this wine. I got the apricot and peach part right, but missed citrus blossom. I read somewhere that someone tasted banana in this wine. Sorry, I disagree. After years of feeding banana to little people--from mashed up baby food to the brown ugly things I find at the bottom of the schoolbag--I consider myself an expert on banana and banana this wine ain't. So all in all, I did pretty well, but I was not wowed by the wine. Try again? Twist my rubber arm!
Moving on, last night we had an awesome dinner of homemade hamburgers (made with pork and Italian herbs), yellow beans in butter and sour cream, Trevor's deadly amazing homemade Cesar salad and corn on the cob infused with thyme from my garden. I washed this delightful meal down with my very first Bordeaux--Chateau Cherchy-Desqueyroux 2005. Yum, yum, yum. I opened this wine and put it in my mason jar decanter about 2 hours before drinking, having read a lot about those 'structured tannins' in Bordeaux wines. Not sure if it was the extended breathing time or just the wine itself, but the tannins were soft, soft, soft, so lovely! It really made for very easy drinking and went so nicely with the pork. I wasn't paying too much attention whilst drinking as I was busy cooking and serving, but the predominant flavour to me was prune. Alcohol measures up to 12.5%, so it wasn't burny in the nose either. Definitely one to repeat! : )
Okay, that's it for me this time 'round! I've enjoyed the Bordeaux so much I'm going to see if I can get my hands on some more. Perhaps another horizontal tasting is in my near future?
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