Part Deux - Ho Hum
Well after immense peer pressure, let me submit Part Deux from my travels to San Francisco, which I fear may be somewhat anticlimactic at this point. Note the delay between blog posts - and this is exactly why I don`t blog - my dear readers would unfortunately forget my name in between posts. So I am quite happy to ride on Barb`s Know Nothing coat tails, and contribute where I can. I may be somewhat overqualified to contribute to this blog - I really do know nothing about wine, much much less that Barb at this point.
May I just point out however at this point she may have to rename her blog to Know Some-things Blog - I have learned some most interesting facts and trivia from my dear sister thanks to this blog - and now I dub thee the Cliff Clavin of the wine world. Thank you for all the interesting and obscure wine trivia. (And you didn't even have to ask. You're welcome!--B.)
Back to San Fran.
Well in my last blog I promised to tackle the French side of the menu - which I never made it to on the last night of my trip, so very sorry to disappoint. I must at least in part blame it on my classmate Kristine, a fabulous successful thirty something from Chicago in the same industry as myself - we gabbed for hours over the most delicious Cosmos - and forgot all about the wine.
I had to fly home at the end of the next day - but had some time to kill before my flight, so I called Barb for a lifeline on which French wines to try - she hmmm`d over the list while I secretly decided to steal one last glass of that delightful Hess instead of risking another glass of heartburn before heading off on the airport shuttle. Why mess with a good thing? So I sat in front of a beautiful fireplace in my Parisian hotel, with free fast wireless, typing up all my new inspiration over a glass of Hess Cabernet Sauvignon. One of those `moments`in life, you know what I mean?
In conclusion dear reader, I confess I am guilty of shirking my wine homework..... I need to study harder.....Much harder...... :D
PS - Heading to Chicago this week...is that a wine region?
(Apparently every state makes wine, including Illinois. I've never tried any, but you can view the Illinois wine-maker's website here.--B.)
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